Aim to control the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon by Control Export of Nuclear Weapon development” material, equipment, Technology
Reason- Nuclear test conducted by India In May 1974.

  1. Only NSG countries have right to trade in Nuclear materials
  2. Meeting in London-1975. Att-7countries Canada, West Germany, SU, UK, US. Japan ,
  3. Now 48 countries but not India and Pakistan


In Indian context

  • Access to Nuclear material like URANIUM.
  • Access to International Trade in Nuclear material (Exp+Imp.)
  • foreign nuclear investment
  • Can get Sophesticated foreign tech.
  • Make in India progress on boost 10% of Nuclear Power Product
  • Opportunity to talk about plutonium trade for thorium program for massive domestic profit
  • Minimize use of Fossil fuel F -40% & use of natural & renewable resource. its possible – access to Rare earth material & Increase nuclear power generation

Functions of NSG :-

  • controlling Export of Nuclear material, Equipment & Technology.
  • Transfer of Nuclear-related dual-use materials, software & Related Technology .
  • Each member country must informed about supply, import or Export of any nuclear based Product.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki , 1945 —-} NPT 1968 —-} Pokhran , 1974 —-} NSG 1975

In year 2008, Indo-US ===> Can export with NSG members but with limitation. Because India seperated civil & military facility

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Harshita

    Easy way to understand this type of difficult topics👍

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